วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Acne Scars – Getting Rid of Bad Memories!

by: Peter Crump
Acne scars can often be the final reminder of a bad time in the life of a person’s skin. Though acne is one of the most common skin disorders, most former patients feel no need to display their scars like war wounds from a hard won battle, and once sufferers have achieved the clear skin they have longed for so long, they move swiftly into a new fight – how to remove, or at least lessen, their acne scars.

Just as there are different types of acne, there are also different types of acne scar. While the painful cyst type acne usually leaves scarring of some kind, some former patients find themselves with minimal damage after suffering with this type of the condition, while others who have had more superficial blemishes find that they scar badly. Scars are caused by both the build-up of excess tissue and by the loss of tissue due to acne, and the type of treatment that is appropriate will vary from patient to patient. But medical advances have led to a number of new developments, which means that there is even an effective treatment for deep acne scars available.

Most types of the skin condition leave indented acne scars, which are difficult to conceal using makeup. Thankfully, there are available treatments for these deep acne scars, which can even out the appearance of the skin. Chemical peels can be used for shallower acne scars, while dermabrasion can penetrate the skin at a deeper level. One of the most recent developments in this field is the use of laser treatment for acne scars, which uses the energy of a laser to penetrate the skin and improve its appearance. Different types of laser have different healing properties – a consultation with a dermatologist will help determine which laser treatment for acne scars will have the best effects on your skin.

Scars, particularly acne facial scars, can be a daily reminder of a time you are very glad to see the back of, but thankfully there are treatments available to help you achieve the skin you deserve. Make an appointment with a dermatologist and find out how you can say good bye to those acne scars for good.

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Finding Acne Skin Care Products That Work For You
by: Peter Crump
Each one of us is different, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the acne skin care products that work for each of us. Acne can be an upsetting condition, and finding a product that makes a real difference to the quality of our skin can be a slow process of trial and error. But while each of us will react differently to different acne skin care products, experiencing different levels of improvement in our skin, it can be heartening to hear of acne products that have worked for others. So if you are drowning in an overwhelming sea of different choices, here are some suggestions to get you started from some of the top acne products rated by real acne sufferers.

There are two main types of acne product – oral medication, such as Accutane, or the contraceptive pill that tackle the problem from the inside, and topical solutions that work on the surface of your skin, such as various facial cleanser products. The latter are usually your first line of defence with acne, and there are many great acne products around that can make a real difference to the quality of your skin. Some of the products available can be overly astringent, which can dry your skin excessively, in turn causing the production of more of the sebum that causes spots, so using a milder product is wise, at least to start with. Many of the top acne products contain either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, both of which can be very effective in the treatment of acne, so look for acne skin care products that contain one of these ingredients.

Acne sufferers who have experienced dramatic improvement in their skin recommend the use of a good facial cleanser product as the first step in their skin care routine. Sufferers found improvement when using products such as Avon’s O2 cleanser, Clinique’s acne skin care range, Paula’s Choice products, Aveeno and Mary Kay’s Timewise or Velocity ranges. Individual blemishes respond well to topical solutions that can be used after facial cleansers, such as blemish sticks. Some sufferers also suggest the use of facemasks or peels, which can help remove impurities from your skin.

The wide variety of acne skin care products available today can be your tool in the fight against acne. You don’t have to suffer anymore – you just have to find the one that works for you.
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